ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE06)

oliver-hookerOliver Hooker
  • 8 Apr

ONLINE COURSE - Movement Ecology Using R (MOVE06)

Delivered by Prof. Luca Borga and Prof. Garrett Street

13th - 17th May 2024

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Courses are recorded to accommodate different time zones. All attendees will have access to recordings for a further 3 months after the course to revisit any of the classes.

COURSE OVERVIEW - The course will cover the concepts, technology and software tools that can be used to analyse movement data (from ringing/CMR to VHF/GPS) in ecology and evolution. We will cover elementary and advanced analysis and modelling techniques broadly applicable across taxa, from micro-organisms to vertebrates, highlighting the advantages of a unified Movement Ecology framework. We will provide the necessary bases in ecology (especially behavioural ecology), physics and mathematics/statistics, to be able to identify for any specific research question the most appropriate study species, logging technology (incl. attachment methods), and statistical/mathematical modelling approach. We will specifically address the challenges and opportunities at each of the steps of the proposed ‘question-driven approach’, combining theory with computer-based practicals in R. We will also address the challenges of applying the results of the analyses to applied management problems and communicate the findings to non-experts.

Please email with any questions